Date: January 12, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM Central
Via:  Phone Conference Call (see attached agenda for details)


  1. Review and action of December 28, 2023 Minutes
  2. Financial Report and Payment of Bills
  3. Subcommittee Updates:
    1. Budget & Finance
    2. Publication & Advertisement
    3. Commercial Advisor
    4. Awards & Ceremony
    5. Registration & Volunteers
    6. Events Management (Food & Entertainment)
    7. Education & Training
  4. Chairman’s Report
    1. Fall 2024 Agreement
    2. Registration
    3. Code of Conduct
  5. Old Business
    1. Stickers
    2. Cookbooks
    3. Committee Aprons
  6. New Business
    1. Entertainment
    2. Meals
  7. Set next meeting
  8. Adjourn