Sponsorship & Exhibition
Why Sponsor?
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Sponsorships play a direct role in the number of attendees to whom you can market your product. With your sponsorship, the conference can do more to entice new or returning attendees like bring in prominent keynote speakers, host fun events, and provide tasty food!

Provides you the opportunity to speak before gathered attendees at your sponsored event!

Sponsorship shows that you support the agencies and the professionals in Missouri. Attendees are encouraged to consider MPSCC commercial partners when seeking to implement new technologies, furniture or other needs

Sponsorship makes for great advertisement!
Sponsors are spotlighted numerous times throughout the conference and have their logos displayed predominantly on the website, conference bags, the mobile application, on sponsored material, and at sponsored events.
Spring 2025
Sponsorship Levels
- Diamond $3,999+
Includes booth space and up to 6 attendee passes and 6 award banquet tickets. Selection of this package unlocks the ability to select* specific events unique to Diamond and Platinum Plus sponsors such as the welcome reception meal welcome reception entertainment, award banquet, award entertainment, keynote speaker... Selection based on registration order and tier. Logo inclusion on website, mobile app, conference material, all sponsor sign and event sponsor sign. Sponsors are recognized before their event and are provided a brief time to speak.
- Platinum $3,299
Includes booth space and up to 5 attendee passes and 5 award banquet tickets. Selection of this package unlocks the ability to select* specific events unique to Diamond and Platinum sponsors such as the welcome reception meal welcome reception entertainment, award banquet, award entertainment, keynote speaker... Logo inclusion on website, mobile app, conference material, all sponsor sign and event sponsor sign. Sponsors are recognized before their event and are provided a brief time to speak.
- Gold $2,299
Includes booth space and up to 4 attendee passes and 4 award banquet tickets. Selection of this package unlocks the ability to sponsor specific items or events unique to Gold sponsors such as recognition awards, meals, memorial lunch, shuttle services. Selection based on registration order and tier. Multiple sponsors may be grouped together for specific selections. Logo inclusion on website, mobile app, conference material, all sponsor sign and event sponsor sign. Sponsors are recognized before their event and are provided a brief time to speak.
- Silver $1,799
Includes booth space and up to 3 attendee passes and 3 award banquet passes. Selection of this package unlocks the ability to sponsor specific items or events unique to Silver sponsors such as out-of-state speakers, Selection based on registration order and tier. Multiple sponsors may be grouped together for specific selections. Logo inclusion on website, mobile app, conference material, all sponsor sign and event sponsor sign. Sponsors are recognized before their event and are provided a brief time to speak.
- Bronze $1,399
Includes booth space and up to 2 attendee passes and 2 award banquet passes. Selection of this package will unlock the ability to sponsor specific items or events. No logo inclusion on sponsored material, however, company name will be printed.
Pewter 1,099
Includes booth space and up to 2 attendee passes and 2 award banquet passes. Selection of this package will unlock the ability to sponsor specific items or events and will be grouped together with other pewter-level sponsors. No logo inclusion on sponsored material i.e. bags, shirts, sponsor sign.
- Booth Only $799
Includes booth space and up to 2 attendee passes and 2 award banquet tickets. No sponsorship. No logo inclusion on sponsored material i.e. bags, shirts, sponsor sign. This tier does not receive an invitation to sponsor-director exclusive events.