The MPSCC is excited to once again return to Southwest Missouri!
This fall, join us for our annual training symposium and Director’s Workshop at the beautiful University Plaza Hotel and Convention Center in downtown Springfield.
We have a lot planned for this event as we boogie through the decades. More information on events and training sessions will be announced as we get closer to the conference dates.
Bring your big hair and prepare to ROCK OUT to live music during our Tuesday night entertainment! More information on the band and themed event will be available on our events page in the coming weeks.
Don’t miss out on our AMAZING welcome reception at Hammons Field as the Springfield Cardinals end their 2023 season against the Tulsa Drillers! The cost of admission is included in your full conference registration. Just be sure to RSVP through the registration portal so we know you plan on attending.
Registration Pricing
Training Symposium
For Frontline, Supervisors, Techs & Leaders-
Access to Training Symposium Tracks
Access to Exhibit Hall during Training Symposium Workshop Hours
Access to SYMPOSIUM meals and events
Priceless Networking Opportunities
Combined Conference
Best of both worlds-
Access to Training Symposium Tracks
Access to Director's Workshop Tracks
Full access to Exhibit Hall
Access to included meals and events
Priceless Networking Opportunities
Director's Workshop
For Directors/Managers/Decision Makers-
Access to Director's Workshop Tracks
Access to Exhibit Hall during Directors Workshop Hours
Access to WORKSHOP meals and events
Priceless Networking Opportunities
Additional Options
Day Pass - Monday $95
Unlocks lunch, training and events taking place on Monday.
Day Pass - Tuesday $95
Unlocks lunch training and events taking place on Tuesday.
Tuesday Evening Banquet $55
Unlocks an additional ticket for someone to attend the Tuesday evening banquet and entertainment.
Guest MPSCC Ticket (non-public safety only) $250
Allows a spouse, peer or similar to attend the full MPSCC. Access to same meals and events as a full conference attendee.
Guest Welcome Reception Ticket $29
Allows a non-conference attendee to attend Sunday evening's welcome reception at the Springfield Cardinals.